At the outset, I want to inform the readers that we chose to name the institute Head & Neck Cancer Institute of India, despite the fact that besides Head & Neck cancer, we will also be treating women's cancers, viz., breast cancer and gynaecological cancers. Head & Neck Oncology is the field that we want to be specialists in: oral, pharyngeal, laryngeal, nasal, and paranasal sinus cancers, as well as cancers of the salivary glands, the thyroid, and the parathyroid.
Our services include surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Our inpatient Setup consists of 70 inpatient beds, a 12 bed high dependency / intensive care unit, 6 operation theatres, and 11 bed Day Care Unit with facilities for chemotherapy on an outpatient basis.
Our patient-centric approach includes preventive, promotive & palliative care, with a particular emphasis on CURE.