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Dental Care Services

Dental Care Services

  • Pre-Treatment Assessment:Before cancer treatment begins, patients typically undergo a thorough dental examination to assess their oral health status. This evaluation helps identify any existing dental issues that may need to be addressed before starting cancer therapy.
  • Treatment Planning:: Based on the pre-treatment assessment, a comprehensive treatment plan is developed to manage any dental problems and minimize the risk of complications during cancer treatment. This may involve:
    • Dental Procedures: Such as fillings, extractions, or root canal therapy to address cavities, infections, or other dental issues.
    • Periodontal Care: Treatment for gum disease, including scaling and root planning or periodontal surgery if needed.
    • Oral Surgery: Procedures to remove impacted teeth, treat jaw infections, or address other oral and maxillofacial conditions.
    • Prosthodontic Services: Provision of dental prostheses such as dentures, bridges, or implants to restore missing teeth or improve oral function.
  • Management of Oral Complications: Cancer treatment, particularly chemotherapy and radiation therapy, can cause various oral complications, including:
    • Mucositis: Inflammation and ulceration of the oral mucosa.
    • Xerostomia: Dry mouth due to reduced saliva production.
    • Dental Caries: Increased risk of tooth decay.
    • Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ): Rare but serious condition involving bone death in the jaw. Dental oncology teams provide preventive measures and supportive care to manage these complications, which may include:
      • Prescription of topical or systemic medications to alleviate symptoms.
      • Recommendations for oral hygiene practices and dietary modifications.
      • Collaboration with oncologists to adjust cancer treatment regimens if necessary to minimize oral side effects.
  • Post-Treatment Follow-Up: Regular dental check-ups and monitoring are essential for cancer survivors to detect and address any lingering oral health issues or late effects of cancer treatment. This ensures ongoing oral health and quality of life after cancer therapy.

By providing comprehensive dental care tailored to the specific needs of cancer patients, hospital dental oncology services play a vital role in supporting overall cancer care and improving patients' well-being during and after treatment.